Terms Of Use
As is the case for virtually all internet services, there are a few rules that make good sense that we all need to abide by.
Terms & Conditions
By subscribing to SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM you agree to be bound by the terms of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service then do not subscribe to or use the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM service.
You agree to regularly review the Terms of Service and other terms and guidelines found throughout the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM website and abide by them. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM may revise the Terms of Service from time to time without any notification.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM will have the right to terminate Your account, without notice at any time, if any statements or information provided by you proves to be untrue in any respect.
Free Trial
When subscribing to a Free Trial you can utilize all SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM features for 30 days. Deployments will be capped to a limited amount of emails per message.
You agree to and warrant that:
You are at least 18 years of age
You will not use SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM for any purpose that is unlawful, or prohibited by these Terms of service.
All information supplied by You or by others using Your account is true and accurate, including information submitted as part of the registration, subscription and billing process.
Any products or services advertised, sold or otherwise distributed by You on or in connection with
Your e-mail campaigns are legal for sale or distribution.
You have and control all of the intellectual property, proprietary and similar rights necessary for all material located within your e-mail campaigns.
You will defend and indemnify SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM from any third party claim.
You are solely responsible for Your content and Your e-mail campaigns.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM reserves the right to scrutinize or to review Your e-mail lists and campaigns to ensure compliance with these Terms of Service.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM reserves the right in its sole discretion to edit, refuse to post or remove any information or materials which violate these Terms of Service without notice at any time.
You may not use a name in connection with operating Your e-mail campaigns that is confusing or misleading to deceive anyone with respect to Your identity.
You may not interfere with or disrupt the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM servers or service.
You agree that your lists are CAN-SPAM and/or CASL, PIPEDA compliant.
You may not use the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM service to:
Defame, libel, slander, or invade the privacy of any other individual.
Conduct any illegal activities (pyramids, illegal contest, etc).
Harm minors in any way.
Distribute pornographic material, or any other such obscene or indecent material that contains nudity or adult content.
Sell, offer to sell, or link to any sites or products that sell firearms, tobacco, illicit drugs, or pharmaceuticals.
Collect information about third parties, including e-mail addresses, without their consent.
Violate any applicable government laws or regulations.
Prices for all Services exclude all applicable taxes and telecommunication charges, unless stated otherwise. To the extent permissible by law, you agree to be responsible for any applicable taxes and telecommunication charges. All prices are in Canadian Dollars, unless stated otherwise. You agree to pay the respective prices for any of the requested SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM services. If SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM does not receive payment from Your Payment Method Provider, you agree to pay all amounts due on Your Billing Account upon demand.
You acknowledge that if You cancel any subscriptions to a SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM service that You may not be entitled to a refund. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM may change any of service at any time and from time to time without notice, including terminating the offering of any service altogether.
If You violate any of these Terms of Service, You will forfeit all of your right as per the Terms of Service and any amounts accruing to You (if any) in connection with the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM services and there will be no refund of any fees prepaid by You. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM is not responsible for the contents or operation of any linked sites or any link contained in any e-mail campaign. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM does not claim any ownership of the files and content that you upload to the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM servers.
The information, services and other material included in or available through the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM web site may not be complete, and may include inaccuracies or errors. Advice, information, products, services or other materials received via the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM web site should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal, business, financial or other decisions and is not intended to replace the advice of appropriate and qualified professionals.
You acknowledge that You should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to Your situation. Your access to and use of the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM website is at Your own risk. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM makes no guarantees of any kind regarding the dependability, accuracy, security, timeliness or availability of the services; and, SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM will not be held responsible for any DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF USE, DATA, ACCOUNTS, REVENUES OR PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM is not responsible for any of Your data residing on the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM servers or systems. You are responsible for maintaining and backing-up Your data and information that may reside on the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM servers or systems. It is Your responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure Your primary means of business is maintained. SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM is not liable for Your actions with Your customers or vendors, or the use of their information. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees) arising from Your violation of these Terms of Service.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM follows industry best practices to protect your information. Should there ever be a a security breach of your account, you will be contacted by email by a SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM representative. In most cases, the email may be followed up with a phone call to discuss the potential matter.
E-Mail Lists
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM may only be used in connection with e-mail lists for which recipients have voluntarily registered (opted in). Using SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM to send e-mail to an address You obtain without the consent of such recipient is a violation of the Terms of Service. You may not import any e-mail addresses to Your list that have not chosen to receive Your mailings, as this is in violation of these Terms of Service. You may only send e-mail to customers that have willingly signed up to receive Your mailings. If SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM receives complaints about Your list, Your list will be reviewed and may be terminated.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.com reserves the right to perform an audit of e-mail addresses in Your import file and of the text of Your e-mail messages in order to monitor compliance with these Terms of Service.
Any e-mail messages not used in a given calendar month may not be applied in any other calendar month.
SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM disclaims any and all representations, warranties and conditions express or implied, that messages sent in connection with this service will be delivered on time or received, or that the operation of the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM service will be available, error-free or secure.
connection with this service will be delivered on time or received, or that the operation of the SUCCESSBYEMAIL.COM service will be available, error-free or secure.